Putting on my legal cap today (I am a licensed attorney in the Federal District of Columbia and Florida). Providing arms to terrorist groups is against US law section 40, 40(a) and 40(d) of the United States Arms Export Control Act. Last Sunday, President Obama issued an Executive Order to circumvent that law so that the United States could supply weapons to the al Qaeda-led opposition in Syria.
Obama’s position is that these weapons transactions “are essential to the national security interests of the United States.” Remember that in the 1980s such weapons were supplied by the US to the Afgan “Freedom Fighters” who evolved into the Taliban and al Qaeda. It’s no longer a secret that the CIA recruited Osama bin Laden in 1979, and the group that received the most US aid – over $600 million – was Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin headed by Muslim fundamentalist Gulbadin Hekmatyar whose men were ordered to throw acid at the faces of unveiled women.
Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin is now officially classified as a ‘terrorist organization’ by the US State Department for supporting Taliban and al Qaeda attacks, even though the US government is now negotiating with them “to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan.”
Einstein said that Insanity could be defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I rest my case.
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